Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Fearless Leader, Part I

This morning in a press conference, our President accused the Democrats who are trying to remove funding for the "war" (police action?) in Iraq of not wanting our troops to have enough bullets.

This is the same guy whose (former-heh) Secretary of Defense once said you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want.

I think that pretty much says it all.


Julie said...

Im not so worried about the number of bullets. By all accounts they have plenty of those. What concerns me is the lack of body armor. Anyone?

Skip said...

Body armor is a two-edged sword, kind of like a motorcycle helmet. Both save lives, but they also make it more likely that horribly maimed people will live, even though they are very fucked up physically.

I hear that there are towns that buy their kids body armor. Kind of shocking that people pay taxes and still have to buy body armor for our soldiers. It's a little like giving paying ahead for your kid's school lunches and then having to send him to school with milk.

Aging Crap Dispenser said...

What bothers me at least as much is this: I don't think anyone has a position on this war he or she can feel proud of. I was against it. It was a mistake to go in. But the minute we made that mistake, it became a commitment. And somewhere around early 2006 that commitment was blown so miserably that even the most testosterone-compensatory war-boosters quit saying that at least it was better than when Saddam was in charge.
So now we've given Mr. Average Iraqi a taste of freedom, stomped the shit out of a hornet's nest, shoved the stinger-bristled thing up his ass, blown up his house, telegraphed Mr. Gibbering Nutbar Mullahfucka next door that his blood enemy of 1,400 years is woozy and ready to fall face-first into the sand, given hundreds of thousands of sexually frustrated manchildren targets for their sideways horny rage, aided in the production of approximately 25,000 terrorist-recruitment videos -- and now we're waiting for the president to convince himself that victory has dawned so that we can invade iceland or new guinea.
The hawks, the doves, the nauseated middle-roaders all know this is one of the more shameful U.S. debacles, and we all have a piece of it. Like the national debt.

Julie said...

I have never been for this war...on any level. But...we broke it and now we have to fix it. Period. Shrubs presidency may just eclipse the shame of hoover.

I've never been afraid of the future...until now.

Julie said...
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Skip said...

I was never for it, either. I thought it was an excellent example of American imperialism. I actually wish that it had not turned out to be the clusterfuck I'd thought it would be. I wish W could get on TV and say, hey, pussy, it worked.

But it didn't. It couldn't have. I think he did it so he could claim to have been a wartime president.

Just like the kid who killed his parents asked for mercy because he was an orphan.