Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Geraldine was right

Obama has been mostly getting a pass as most people pretend that there's a new paradigm to race relations in this country.

He's lied about Tony Rezko, and he's lied about Jeremiah Wright:

All this means, basically, that he's just like the rest of the douchebags who run for office at the national level.

But here's the thing. When you show a black man shouting about race relations in this country, how blacks have gotten a bad deal, and saying "God damn America" from the pulpit, it tends to scare the shit out of white people.

Obama needs white people to vote for him. Leftwingers are generally wussy, and I suspect that a lot of them will run away thanks to the spectre of an angry black man in the White House. (Don't laugh--the right did an excellent job connecting Iraq to 9/11, and there has never been a demonstrable connection.)

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