Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Skip's Election Prediction

I've had a moment of clarity.

I'm pretty sure it will be Obama or Clinton for the dems.

But who will be on the red side?

Fred Thompson.

For weeks, I've been thinking no way could he be a contender. Then I realized. He evokes everything about another older politician and actor who was very successful: Ronald Reagan.

So it will be Fred--a smart, smooth, famous, Southern (Southerners do very well in Presidential politics) guy against either:

A black man with a funny name or

A carpetbagging woman from Illinois/Arkansas/New York.

Shoot, why even have the election? Someone appoint Fred quick.


Hank said...

The best Republican in the race is Rep. Ron Paul.

Skip said...

Yeah, Ron says all the right things. But he's another Republican from Texas. I've had enough of that shit.