Friday, June 1, 2007

TB, again

Here's a great quotation from a guy on an airplane:

"I wasn't sure what to think or who to be mad at, or if I was allowed to be mad," said passenger Jason Vik. "I know he spent a lot of money on his wedding and I can understand him wanting to hold that obligation but you can't put 487 people at risk on our flight just because you've already spent this money."

He's talking about Andrew Speaker, the TB passenger from Georgia. Andrew is a divorce lawyer.

I still say he drives a Mercedes. (Mercedes drivers are the most obnoxious, self-important dickheads on the road.)


Hank said...

Why will the TSA allow someone carrying something dangerous to everyone on a flight -- TB -- through security screening, but they make me throw away 2 ounces of contact lens solution because it's in a container that originally held 4 ounces? What's a bigger danger to traveling public, TB or sanitary contact lenses?

Skip said...

Well, Hank, I think that a terrorist could possibly use two ounces of lens solution to clean a bothersome contact lens, thereby improving his ability to use a boxcutter. As opposed to TB, which grows too slowly to be of use in a hijacking. Just a thought.